7 Things That You Can Do to Prevent Ingrown Hairs Like a Professional

When it comes to skincare, ingrown hairs are as annoying as the potholes in Jamaica. They result in red bumps that will have you itching all day. Hairs that grows back into your skin are called ingrown hairs. Here are some practices that will help you to prevent ingrown hairs:
- Moisten your skin using warm water and apply shaving gel before shaving.
- Ensure to observe the direction in which your hair grows shave in that way.
- Try to use as few strokes as you can when shaving with a razor.
- Rinse the razor after every stroke of the razor when shaving.
- When you are through shaving, apply a cool, wet washcloth to the shaven area to reduce any irritation caused by shaving.
- Use the FLEX to exfoliate your skin and release any hairs that have been trapped.
- You could also opt for hair removal cream instead of a razor to shave. This will minimize the possibility of ingrown hairs.
These 7 tips can help you to prevent unfortunate ingrown hairs. FLEX was made just for men. Because men have much thicker skin than women, ingrown hairs and acne go way deeper into our face. By using the FLEX daily to cleanse, exfoliate, and revitalize your skin twice per day, you can prevent ingrown hairs.